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Graphic Organizers

Templates and samples of digital classroom activities, graphic organizer worksheets, and visuals with Google Drawings. *Note: to download templates you must be logged into a Google account.

Anticipation Guide

A pre and post-reading or video viewing activity that challenges students to activate prior knowledge and engage with text in a way that challenges their thinking.


Placemat (Frayer Model)

An activity in which students separate ideas into component parts. This can be used for brainstorming, reading text, or viewing video.



KWL-H Chart

Template / Sample

In this pre-reading or pre-viewing activity students explore what they know, want to know, want to learn, and how they will find information.



Hexagonal Thinking

Template / Sample

This is an organizer that helps students to organize ideas and make connections on a topic. Students use hexagons to make links between specific events and conditions. 


Venn Diagram

A graphic organizer that allows students to compare and contrast a collection of things. (this template and sample compares two things)

Finding Key Information

This graphic organizer has students deconstruct a piece of text by isolating the most important information, interesting but less important detail, with a summary of the main idea.

Sticky Notes

In this pre-reading or pre-viewing activity students explore what they know, want to know, want to learn, and how they will find information.

Sequence Flow Charts

A visual representation of the sequence of steps and decisions needed to perform a process.  Steps are linked by connecting lines and directional arrows.

Standard Diagram

A graphic organizer that allows students to compare and contrast a collection of things. (this template and sample compares two things)

Mind Maps

Used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole

Comparison Table

Template / Sample

Students read and organize two different pieces of writing or video. 




Students can brainstorm to generate background knowledge based on topical prompts. 




Template / Sample

A graphic organizer that helps students to practice summarizing and paraphrasing skills.




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